Skin Cycling: Revolutionizing Your Skincare Routine with Defined Rest Periods

woman with nice healthy skin staring into camera and smiling

Skin cycling has emerged as a skincare concept designed to optimize the health and appearance of the skin by alternating skincare regimens. The aim is to balance active ingredients that enhance skin renewal with recovery periods to prevent overexertion of the skin. Pioneered by dermatologist Dr. Whitney Bowe, skin cycling involves a systematized approach wherein

Snail Mucin for Rosacea

snail on green leaf secreting snail mucin

Snail mucin has emerged as a potential soothing agent for those challenged by the chronic skin condition known as rosacea. Characterized by redness, swelling, and acne-like bumps, rosacea is a disorder that can benefit from gentle skincare ingredients. Snail mucin, with its rich composition of glycoproteins, hyaluronic acid, and glycolic acid, is hypothesized to not